Our Group Facebook page
The groups Facebook page, Carrickmacross Scout Group, is regularly updated with information and photos of the sections activities.
SMS (Text) Messages
The group has a text system in place and over the year you will receive a number of texts. To make sure that you are signed up for the texts fill in the activities consent form and tick the box for the text system. If you are still not receiving text messages please let your Section Leader know.
Notes Home
Over the year each section will give the youth members notes/letters to be taken home regarding activities, registration fees, etc. These notes will also be put up on the Facebook page for information. If you have any questions regarding these notes please get in touch with your Section Leader.
National Scouting Website
The Scouting Ireland website offers parental information, ONE Programme, Programme Sections and the important Code of Good Practice that all members adhere to, and much more that will give you as a parent more information and background into Scouting.